Friday, August 19, 2022

‘Barrier Device’ Takes An Intriguing Inspection Into The Other Woman


Barrier Device film poster.

Audrey is an independent researcher conducting a study on the female condoms. Life could not be anymore complicated— that is until one of Audrey’s subjects adds an unexpected personal commonality. Serena just so happens to be sleeping with Jay, Audrey’s ex. 

Audrey (Sandra Oh) interviews a new candidate for her research study on female condoms. DP: Patti Lee.

Serena (Suzy Nakamuru) is selected. DP: Patti Lee.

Serena comes in for further conversation with Audrey, telling her that she is currently intimate with two men— Jay and Michael. DP: Patti Lee.

Serena is everything that Audrey is not— younger, vivacious, adventurous. Serena has an open outlook on the world around her. However, Serena also proudly wears Audrey’s grandmother’s necklace with every outfit no matter how much it doesn’t suit her clothes. Perhaps the necklace is not aligned with the wearer as well. The jewelry holds sentimental value to Audrey. In fact, prior to, Audrey calls Jay to find it for her. He is no help. Serena wields a certain power over Jay, a lying, facetious man who only wants Serena because she is not as sexually frigid as Audrey. For him to even ruthlessly give away an object precious to Audrey paints him in a cold, callous light despite his voice being the only thing the audience hears. Jay— although unseen— is a present force occupying space between Audrey, Serena, and Audrey’s grandmother’s necklace. As a result of his shallow, untrustworthy behavior, Audrey is able to put the heartbreaking pieces together. 

Audrey has called her ex about her grandmother’s necklace, but he swears having not seen it and hangs up. Later, Audrey sees it... DP: Patti Lee.

On Serena’s neck. DP: Patti Lee.

Multiple times. DP: Patti Lee.

Still, Audrey cannot resist this newer form of research. It is in her nature to be curious and test situations; seek results. Thus, Audrey begins invading Serena’s life casually, going down the rabbit hole of friendship, seemingly as a mere experiment. After all, the lonely, isolated Audrey lets work occupy her time. Essentially, Audrey’s getting to know Serena on a deeper, connective level appears similar to her work, analyzing and comparing notes— comparing herself to her ex’s new lover. While Audrey has trouble adjusting to the female condoms, Serena is quite adept at getting Jay to use them. 

Audrey reads through Serena’s sex journal. DP: Patti Lee.

Apparently, Serena and her man are quite active. DP: Patti Lee.

Serena shares her sex journal with Audrey. Naturally, Audrey assumes that this is with Serena’s other partner, Michael. It is a much easier exercise than imagining your ex having an excessive amount of physical enjoyment whereas Audrey has trouble getting a man to even fathom the idea of female condoms. One such partner asks, “can we just do it the normal way?” As though the very act of role reversal muddies the potential pleasure experience for both parties. When Serena admits her journal is all about Jay and that Jay enjoys using the female condoms, this puts more blow to Audrey’s already fragile self esteem. Not only is Serena sexually explorative (and even good at a few lies in the act), but she has gotten Jay actively involved, actively participating. The real kicker is that Serena supports Jay’s writing too— another intimate sector that breaks Audrey’s heart. Worse, Jay’s writing is influenced by their past relationship. Audrey, putting work above everything in her life including Jay who needed the ego boost that Serena could offer him. 

Audrey even goes to Serena’s house. There she finds her grandmother’s necklace among Serena’s jewelry. Serena enters and suggests that Audrey try it on. DP: Patti Lee.

However, Jay is not the winning side. Jay is no hero in this catastrophe. He cheated on Audrey with Serena and had the audacity to present Audrey’s grandmother’s necklace to Serena.

Serena cleans out Audrey’s ears and picks out Audrey’s gray hairs. DP: Patti Lee. 

Smartly written and directed by Grace Lee, Barrier Device, a near thirty minute short film riddled with lighthearted womanist connections, tense drama, and warm humor, is a worthwhile watch due to the remarkable chemistry between its leads Sandra Oh and Suzy Nakamuru. When the confrontation finally happens near the end, Oh and Nakamuru play Audrey and Serena’s emotional spirals with great believable ease. Audrey’s despair over Serena’s perfection and Serena’s agony over being misled by Audrey touches on the darker sides of women relationships— especially how jealousy can be a severe, jeopardizing poison. Yet after the hard truths are revealed and the grandmother’s necklace is returned to its rightful owner, Audrey and Serena reach a genuinely sweet understanding. 

Audrey unleashes her fury onto Serena who has barged into one of Audrey’s sessions. DP: Patti Lee.

Serena claims that Audrey has destroyed her life. DP: Patti Lee.

Audrey and Serena reach the climatic point to a rather complex relationship. DP: Patti Lee.

Although it would seem that Jay ironically brought Audrey and Serena together, perhaps their mutual togetherness comes too from the recognizable necklace too. Maybe it was Audrey’s grandmother encouraging Audrey and Serena to see how they had the ability to help each other— with the combined strength and resilience to move past Jay.  

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